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Our Office

Via Tiziano, 27 60125 Ancona Italy

Phone: +39 0712805240
Cell: +39 3472625439




international web designer

Savino Lattanzio

Web Designer

Born in Venice to creative parents, he dealt from an early age with figurative art and music, which was a particular passion of his father’s. He spent several years in Tuscany, staying in Florence and Siena, and then in Bolzano, the capital of the Alps.

He often travels in Europe and in the US. As a multimedia Web designer, he spends 50% of his time doing research, in order to guarantee services and products that are always cutting edge, with the aim of conciliating Italian style with new technologies. He created more than 900 websites, 48 multimedia CD-ROMs, 15 DVDs, 76 TV title sequences, and 3 audio CDs.

He is an advisor to several Italian companies and a multimedia teacher at various schools and institutes.

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